I Help Working Moms Ditch Diets, Love Their Bodies, & Improve Work-Life Harmony

Let’s face it – the struggle is real for a working mom.

It seems like time vanishes instantly the minute you have kids.

This leaves you with little time to focus on yourself.

The routine looks a lot like this:

  1. Get kids ready for school or daycare
  2. Head to work (& do a good job)
  3. Get home and make dinner that no one will eat
  4. Squeeze in a workout (if time)
  5. Watch the laundry pile up as you guzzle a glass of wine because you’re so stressed
  6. Get kids to bed
  7. Stay up late with insomnia, thinking of all the things you need to do (but don’t have the energy to get done)
  8. Repeat the cycle

(Okay, maybe this isn’t exactly your routine, but you get the point!)

No wonder working moms struggle!

As a fellow working mom, I found myself in his trap.

I decided it was time to invest energy into correcting the issue.

Low and behold…I found the secret sauce.

And I’m ready to share it with you…

The Strong Working Mom Method

If this sounds like you, it's time to start making yourself a priority.

I have created the Strong Working Mom Method - a course and coaching method to help you revamp your health and find that ultimate work-life harmony.

Listen to Daily Motivation from the Strong Working Mom Podcast!

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